Closing Period from 19/12/2020 to 11/01/2021 - Tiny Memories Laser

Closing Period from 19/12/2020 to 11/01/2021

Hi everyone,

We’ve decided to bring our closed period forward as we are getting a high number of orders. Which is good, but this means we will not be able to finish all of them before 23/12 and have a break.

  We will be closing for a deserved break from 19/12/2020 to 11/01/2021.

  • All orders up to 19/12/2020 will be processed as per current turnaround of 5 business days.
  • All orders after 19/12/2020 will be processed from 11/01/2021, which then will start counting the 5 business days turnaround. This includes any order placed as Priority/Express processing order.
  • There will be no replies to messages(Facebook or website) and emails during the break period.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Tiny Memories Laser Team.

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